how to choose best domain name

How to Choose the Best Domain Name (Tips and Tools)

A domain name is a special and unique name that identifies a website. For example,, Every website has a unique domain that serves as an address, which is used to get access to the website and also domain name is the permanent name of the website.

Importance of Good Domain Name

Selecting a good domain name for your website is very important for your success. If you choose the wrong name, then it can hurt your brand’s search rankings.

That is why it is extremely important to choose the best domain name from the start. When first starting out, it can be hard to come up with catchy business name ideas with a perfect name related to your niche.

In this article, we’ll share all the necessary information that you need to get good domain name ideas and that will help you choose the best domain, and register your new domain.

What are the Properties of a Good Domain Name?

  • Easy-to-Remember: A good domain name will be easy to remember, making your website easy to find.
  • Better Search Engine Rankings: A good domain name that relates to your business or organization improves your ranking in search engines. It means that more potential customers will come across your site earlier in the search process, making them more likely to engage and interact with you.
  • Effective Branding and Fewer Errors: A good domain name should be short and easily memorable and in addition to that, Short names are also less likely to be misspelled by users, resulting in fewer errors during the search process.

Bonus Tip: The top 100,000 websites, on average, have nine characters in their domain names.

  • Domain as a brand: If you have a business or if you working online/offline, always try to set up a domain that can be used as a brand name also. For example, Reliance is a domain name but it is also its brand name. Similarly, Amazon is a domain name but it is also its brand name.
  • Domain as a brand with keywords: If your brand is about cars you can choose a domain having the keyword as well as it will be very good for long-term success.
  • Easy to spell: Domain names should be fluent and shouldn’t be something that most people cannot even pronounce with ease. With some Complex spellings and keywords, your domain will be harder to remember for your customer.
  • Unique and creative: Domain name should be always unique and creative and should not be related to any other business

Different Internet Domain Extensions and Their Use

domain name extension

Lots of companies and websites are providing domain extensions to you. You can host a website with your desired domain with these sites.

We will now give you information about all kinds of popular domain extensions:

  • .com – This kind of domain is so much popular. This domain extension is used for the company.
  • .org – You can use this extension for the organization. For e.g. NGO
  • .net – You can use this extension for hosting a network
  • .edu – This kind of domain extension is used for the institute, universities, and other educational sites.
  • .govt – This type of domain extension preferably use for government sites.
  • .in – You can use this extension for everything, but this domain extension is only available in India. You can buy domain extensions like .co.Uk in the United Kingdom for the USA and like another country name. But these domain extensions are valid in the specific country to buy.
  • .biz – For business
  • .me – For personal websites, blogs and others.

How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting

Tools for Your Site

Having an attractive website is very vital and effective. After buying a domain name, it is critical to keep it maintained and updated. So many tools are available on sites like godaddy, bigrock and crazydomains with which you can manage your websites.

WordPress is an application with which you can build your site. With web designing and WordPress, you can update your site with new features.

The Biggest Mistake to Avoid

You should keep it in your mind that your domain name should not have any number or hyphens in the keyword.


So as we have discussed the importance of good domains and websites nowadays and now we know that Domain names are very important for businesses in building brand awareness, reputation, and loyal customer base.

A good domain can be very helpful to make a huge business in the long run and if you get a domain of your choice and demand then don’t forget to renew it regularly otherwise someone else could buy it always remember:

A better domain name will lower your lifetime marketing costs. – Frank Schilling

Gourav Bhardwaj

Gourav Bhardwaj is a Digital Marketing Trainer and the owner of Gourav Digital Club. He teaches and writes on various topics like Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Blogging Guides and Make Money Online etc. He is sharing his practical knowledge about Digital Marketing with everyone with this blog.

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